Prayer at
North Immanuel
"If my people, who are called by my Name, humble themselves and pray, seeking my face and
turning from their wrongful ways, I will surely hear them."
[ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ]
The church family at North Immanuel wants to pray for YOU!
In Person
Speak with Pastor or
NILC secretary Kara Tollerud.
Please specify if it is a prayer for during worship services, for the NILC prayer chain, or both.
By Email
Email NILC secretary Kara Tollerud:
Please specify if it is a prayer for during worship services, for the NILC prayer chain, or both.
By Text Message
NILC secretary Kara Tollerud:
( 218 ) 731-2672
Please specify if it is a prayer for during worship services, for the NILC prayer chain, or both.
Prayer Room
Feel free to make use of North Immanuel's Prayer Room, located on our second floor next to the pastor's study. As Jesus said:
"When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to God the Father in secret. The Father, who sees you even in secret, will bless you." [ Matthew 6:6 ]