Christmas Pageant
How Dr. Flinch
Stole Christmas
North Immanuel's 2016 Christmas pageant, involving actors and singers preschool through grade eight!
Square's Fishing
Tournament 2017
Clear weather and the beauty of the LORD’s creation brought 30 anglers to Prairie Lake!
Ashton Dunham – Northern Pike
Boaz Aas – Sunfish
Ezekiel Aas – Sunfish
Thanks goes to Lee Follingstad for providing his trailer and Chris Mink for driving up to help!
The Luther League youth of NILC teamed up with Augustana Lutheran Church (Elizabeth, MN) and PRAY (Pelican Rapids Area Youth) to serve spaghetti supper for over one hundred people! And as we sand in our prayer that evening: "The LORD is good to me, and so I thank the Lord for giving me the things I need!"
March 19, 2017
Churches United for the Homeless
The confirmation class traveled to Luther Crest Bible Camp for the LCMC Augustana District 2017 "Pause, Play, Refresh" Retreat. Our students spent the weekend in deeper study of God's Word, but also having fun playing games and meeting other believers of the same age!
March 10-11, 2017
Confirmation Class Retreat 2017
Four young believers affirmed the faith given to them by the Holy Spirit at their baptisms. What a blessed day! We were overjoyed to celebrate with Hailey Dunham, Emma Haugrud, Grace Haugrud, and Dillon Nord in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
May 7, 2017
Confirmation Sunday 2017
We traveled to the Lake Itasca area and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation. Our four days of adventure were packed with canoeing, camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, and nature challenges! We had a blast roughin' it, but we also learned survival skills and how God has created and re-created us.
2017 Re-Creational Outdoor Adventure
Camping Trip
August 2, 2020 Granders Worship
On Sunday, August 2, 2020, the Granders shared their music with North Immanuel Lutheran Church outside in the church cemetery. The weather was good for this music ministry event. After worship, there was a fellowship meal. What a wonderful way to Worship the Creator in the midst of His creation!
Confirmation Class
Christmas Game: Gingerbread Face!
Jesus told us our faith is solid when built on the Word of God, like a wise man who builds his house on the foundation of a rock. But what about building a gingerbread house on the foundation of a face?
"God said, 'Let us make humankind in Our image, according to Our likeness...' So God created humankind in His image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them." [ Genesis 1:26-27 ]
Photo Gallery
August 16, 2020 Off the Hook Worship
Another beautiful day to Worship the Creator in the midst of His creation! On Sunday, August 16, 2020, Off the Hook shared their music with North Immanuel Lutheran Church outside in the church cemetery. After worship, there was a fellowship meal.